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Classification equals Dissenters, Religious
Results 1 - 12 of 12
The Lady of the Manor: A Series of Conversations on the Subject of Confirmation.
Full title: "The Lady of the Manor: A Series of Conversations on the Subject of Confirmation. Intended for the Use of Middle and Higher Ranks of Young Females by Mrs. Sherwood" (editor of "Mrs. Sherwo...
The Bishop of Salisbury's Reply to Mrs. Joanna Baillie
A critique of the Bishop of Salisbury's published refutation of Joanna Baillie's book A View of the General Tenour of the New Testament Regarding the Nature and Dignity of Jesus Christ. Baillie (1762...
Strikes and Sticks by Harriet Martineau
Quaker Women
Prejudice against women, women's rights, female character.
Female Education
Signed "M.L.G." initials used by Mary Leman Grimstone.
The Dissenting Marriage Question
A Sketch of the History of the English Marriage Law
A history of the marriage laws of England and Dissenters' demands for civil marriage ceremonies. Article signed R.H.
Letter starts: "As the propriety..."
Subsequent heading listed for letter (pages 175-179): "History and Present State of the Law Pertaining to Marriage." Promoting the Dissenting view that marriage should be a civil ceremony.
The Works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld with a Memoir by Lucy Aikin (2 of 2)
Review of the works and life of Unitarian dissenter Anna Laetitia Barbauld (1743-1825). Continued from the previous month.
The Works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld: With a Memoir by Lucy Aikin (1 of 2)
A posthumous review of the writings of Anna Laetitia Barbauld (1743-1825), Unitarian dissenter, essayist, poet and novelist. Contemporary of Mary Wollstonecraft.
Letter to a Dissenting Minister's Wife
Letter from a father to his daughter on her marriage to a dissenting minister. Discusses marriage and wifely duty. Quotes Mary Wollstonecraft and her views on marriage as a positive example.
Joanna Baillie on the Nature and Dignity of Christ
A review of Joanna Baillie's book A View of the General Tenour of the New Testament Regarding the Natue and Dignity of Jesus Christ. Baillie (1762-1851)was a poet, playwright and dramatist. Review ...
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