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Classification equals Education, higher
Results 1 - 20 of 157
On the Registration, Certification, and Training of Teachers
Letters on the Employment of Women
So many letters were received on the subject that the editors substituted them for the Notice of Books section.
. . . Dangers of Educational Overwork . . . to . . .Girls' Schools and . . .Competitive Examination
The article is followed by an extensive debate among delegates on the subject, pages 445-454.
Madame Luce, of Algiers
NOTE: This is the third of a three-part series, the first two of which are to be found in earlier issues: May, 1861, pages 157-168 and June 1861, pages 224-236.
Advanced Education for Girls of the Upper and Middle Classes
Madame Luce of Algiers
Though the second part is unsigned, it is by "B.R.P.", who is Bessie Rayner Parkes, also an editor of the E.W.J. This is the second of a three-part series, the others appearing in these issues: May 18...
Advanced Education for Girls of the Upper and Middle Classes
What are . . . Special Requirements for . . . Improvement of . . . Education for Girls?
What Public Provision Ought to be Made for the Secondary Education of Girls?
What better Provision Ought to be Made for the Education of Girls of the Upper and Middle Classes?
Elementary Teaching, A Profession for Ladies
How May the Higher Education of Women be most Efficiently Advanced in Ireland?
Medical Education of Women
The Making of Woman
The Education of Women in America
The "Impasse" of Women
An article on the lack of professional training for young women.
Emma Willard, the Pioneer in the Higher Education of Women
American Women: Their Health and Education
The Education of Girls: Their Admissibility to Universities
What better Provision Ought to be Made for the Education of Girls of the Upper and Middle Classes?
NOTE: By Elizabeth Wolstenholme
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