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Classification equals Factory system
Results 1 - 11 of 11
Woman's Work in the World's Clothing: The Lancashire Mill (6 of 8)
Women and Factory Legislation. By Mrs. Jane E. Brownlow
Women's Work in the World's Clothing: The Past and the Present (7 of 8)
Women and the Glove Trade
Periodical Location: University of Victoria library for this article.
The Cry Against Homework
Periodical Location: University of Victoria library for this article.
Lowell and its Operatives (2 of 2)
Lowell and its Operatives (1 of 2)
Woman's Work in the World's Clothing: Machines, Factories and Factory Acts (5 of 8)
A Factory Girl's Letter
The Woman Movement in Germany
Periodical Location: University of Victoria library for this article.
Our Country Workhouse: One of the Few Public Offices Where Sex is no Bar to Admission
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