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Classification equals Religious literature Authorship
Results 1 - 6 of 6
Female Writers on Practicial Divinity (1 of 2)
Signed: Discipulus (Harriet Martineau's pseudonym.
General Literature: Five Years of Youth; or Sense and Sentiment by Harriet Martineau
Also comments on Martineau's (1802-1876) qualifications as a Unitarian writer.
Mrs. Craven and Her Work
Periodical Location: University of Victoria library for this article.
Some Autobiographical Particulars of Miss Harriet Martineau
Miss Martineau's Prize Essays
A review of three essays written by Harriet Martineau (1802-1876). The essays were awarded a prize by the Committee of the British and Foreign Unitarian Association. They were subsequently published a...
Female Writers on Practical Divinity (2 of 2)
Signed Discipulus, Harriet Martineau's pseudonym.
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