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Classification equals Sex differences
Results 1 - 8 of 8
Why Women are Women (Part One)
Women's Place in the World of Letters
Periodical Location: University of Victoria library for this article
Mental Differences Between Men And Women
There is a response to Romanes' article in: Edith Simcox, "The Capacity of Women", September, 1886. Periodical Location: University of Victoria library for this article.
The Failure of the Labour Commission
Periodical Location: University of Victoria library for this article.
Ought the Employment of Females in . . . Commercial Pursuits to be Encouraged? ( Negative 3 of 5)
The full title "Ought the Employment of Females in Agriculture, Manuafacturing, and Commercial Pursuits to be Encouraged?" is abbreviated throughout for technical reasons.
Woman's Brain
Periodical Location: University of Victoria library for this article.
Women's Suffrage
Periodical Location: University of Victoria library for this article.
The Future of English Women
Periodical Location: University of Victoria library for this article.
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