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Classification equals Unitarianism
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The Bishop of Salisbury's Reply to Mrs. Joanna Baillie
A critique of the Bishop of Salisbury's published refutation of Joanna Baillie's book A View of the General Tenour of the New Testament Regarding the Nature and Dignity of Jesus Christ. Baillie (1762...
Miss Martineau's Prize Essays
A review of three essays written by Harriet Martineau (1802-1876). The essays were awarded a prize by the Committee of the British and Foreign Unitarian Association. They were subsequently published a...
What the Editor Means
General Literature: Five Years of Youth; or Sense and Sentiment by Harriet Martineau
Also comments on Martineau's (1802-1876) qualifications as a Unitarian writer.
Joanna Baillie on the Nature and Dignity of Christ
A review of Joanna Baillie's book A View of the General Tenour of the New Testament Regarding the Natue and Dignity of Jesus Christ. Baillie (1762-1851)was a poet, playwright and dramatist. Review ...
On Female Education
Martineau addresses three main objections to female education. Promotes the advantages of educating women. Martineau uses her pseudonym "Discipulus" to sign the article.
Helen Maria Williams
Obiturary of Helen Maria Williams (1762-1827), poet and novelist. Politically involved in French Revolution and secretly married to radical Unitarian John Hurford Stone. Biography of her life and revi...
The Conversion of a Female to Christianity by the Unitarian Doctrine
A testimonial on the conversion of a woman to Unitarianism. A biographical account written as a letter to the editor.
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