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Creator/Author equals A.B.
Results 1 - 16 of 16
The Evil Effects of Wet-Nursing
Anti-Contagious Diseases Act Association
Capital Punishment and Infanticide
The Evil Effects of Wet-Nursing
NOTE: Letter signed by: M.A.B.
The Evil Effects of Wet-Nursing
The End of Sabbath Breaking
Medical Degrees at the Universities
Infant Feeding
Madame De Girardin
This is the second of two, the first being September, 1860, pages 11-20
To the Editor of the English Woman's Journal
Wet- Nurses and Lying-In Institutions
Education in France No. I of 3
Signed 'A. B.' but the writer is identified by the Editor as Anna Blackwell. This is the first of three articles, the following two are in July, 1860, pages 217-226 and August, 1860, pages 361-377.
Madame Henriette Brown
Madame De Girardin
NOTE: Only in the second article on Madame De Girardin is the author 'A. B.'mentioned.
Education in France. (3 of 3)
Signed 'A.B.'. but the Editor identifies writer as Anna Blackwell.
"In this enlightened age . . . ."
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