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Source Title equals English Woman's Journal
Results 1 - 20 of 510
Our Emigrant
(Letters about) Female Physicians
The Factory Homes' Association
Lives for Leaves
This is the first of two parts, the second found: June, 1862, pages 234-240.
Emerald Green
Annals of Needlewomen (2 of 4)
Signed L.N., but the Index to volume 9 attributes this article, and the rest in the series, to Ellen Barlee.
Our French Correspondent
To the Editors of the English Woman's Journal
To the Editors of the English Woman's Journal
Lady Hester Stanhope
This is the second of two parts, the first found: June, 1862, pages226-234.
To the Editors of the English Woman's Journal
Lives for Leaves
This is the second of two parts, the first found; May, 1862, pages 162-170.
Female Servants
Lady Hester Stanhope
The second part (July, 1862, pages 296-304) is signed L.S.
Elizabeth, Princess Palatine (2 of 2)
Science for Women
Sixth Annual Exhibition of the Society of Female Artists
French Women of Letters, By Julia Kavanaugh
Endowed Schools, Their Uses and Shortcomings.
Signed "J.B." for Jessie Boucherett, a frequent contributor to the E.W.J.
Female Physicians
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